PMC-6.1 Out-Of-Session Meeting
Date: Friday, 29 September 2023
Time: 2:00-4:00PM (Samoa Time)
Venue: Virtual via zoom (see link below). We will open the zoom link 1 hour before the meeting.
Tentative Agenda:
Agenda Item 1: Welcome and meeting Procedures
- Good Afternoon and Bula Vinaka from Fiji. I take this opportunity to welcome everyone to the first out-of-session meeting after the PMC-6 that was held here in Nadi last month.
- Let me first of all request Arona Ngari, (???) to offer a word of Prayer
- At the PMC-6, members gave specific instructions to SPREP and partners to work on the Governance structure and the finance facility and report back to council for endorsement by end of this month (September).
- I understand that SPREP with funding support from COSPPac organised a very quick meeting in Apia with some partners and PMC members to work on these details. I thank SPREP and BOM for quickly organising this meeting. I also apologize that I was not able to attend for personal reasons.
- For all PMC meetings, we require two-third majority to establish a quorum for a meeting to make decisions. May I request the secretariat to keep an account of the attendance as many member are on vacation and may not have nominated their representatives to attend the meeting…and then notify us at the end of the meeting pls.
- We only have 4 Agenda Items for this meeting with Agenda Item 2 being the most substantive Item for our meeting. Agenda Item 3 is also on Other Matter. I give the opportunity is members would like to comment on the agenda.
- Thank you members for your attention. We will now proceed to Agenda 2 and give it back to the secretariat facilitate this agenda.
Agenda Item 2: Weather Ready Governance Structure and Finance Facility
After the presentation
- Thank you for the presentation. Are there any comments or discussions on the recommendation.
Agenda Item 3: Any Other Matters
Agenda Item 4: Close of Meeting
- I thank everyone for the discussions. May I request the secretariat to advise on how many members attended the meeting and whether or not there was a quorum.
- I would like to also remind everyone that we also have another PMC6.2 Out-Of-Session meeting on the 24th October 2023.
- Thank you and great weekend ahead.
Please Join meeting via the zoom link below.