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Fifth Pacific Met Council Meeting to Open in Apia

“Science to services for a resilient Pacific” is the theme of the Fifth Pacific Meteorological Council (PMC-5) opening this week in Apia, Samoa. The meeting will bring together Pacific Met Directors, partners and stakeholders to strengthen climate and weather services in the Pacific region.

Navigating the intricacies of radio broadcasting for Pacific Met Services

2 August 2019, Apia, Samoa - “We do not need to ‘dumb down’ our terminology and language. What we need to do is to raise people’s understanding of that language.” 

This was one of the messages shared during the first day of Mana classes for Meteorological Service Directors and officers, which is taking place in Apia, Samoa 

The Mana Classes aim to support Directors and other senior personnel of Meteorological and Hydrological Services in their endeavour for effective communications skills.

Next Generation of Climate Project for a Resilient Pacific

In the effort to build a resilient Pacific island region, countries and partners across the region are dealing with a need for new analysis and guidance for climate projections. These tools will help them better deal with climatic disruptions and events. 

To grapple with these issues and build on lessons learned from the Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) is the ‘Next Generation Climate Projections for the Pacific.’ (Next Gen)

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