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Working Papers

Working Papers

IP_2.1: Interim Rules of Procedures for PMC-2 (Chair of PMC-1 and Secretariat)

WP_3: WMO Policies on Weather, Climate and Water - From Global to Regional Context

WP_4: Report on Actions Taken on Matters Arising from the 1st Meeting of the Pacific Meteorological Council (PMC-1)

WP_4.0_Att. 1: Progress on the Outcomes and Recommendations from the 14 RMSD/PMC-1

WP_4.0_Att. 2: The Fourteenth and Final Meeting of the Regional Meteorological Services Directors and the First Pacific Meteorological Council

WP_4.0_Att. 3: Pacific Islands Meteorological Strategy 2012–2021

WP_4.0_Att. 4: ToR for the PMC

WP_4.0_Att. 5: The Pacific Meteorological Desk Partnership

6.0: 3rd Joint Meeting of National Meteorological Services (NMSs) and National Disaster Management Offices (NDMOs)
6.4: National initiatives: Key Implementation Challenges and Opportunities Pertaining to NMSs and NDMOs Arrangements;
WP_6.4.1: Tsunami Warnings and Responses – Solomon Islands
WP_6.4.2: Tropical Cyclone Warnings and Responses – Samoa 
WP_6.4.3: Integrated Water Resources Management – Nadi Demonstration
WP_6.4.4: Drought Warning System and Response – Republic of the Marshall Islands
WP_6.4.5: Severe weather systems other than tropical cyclones [and large waves not associated with tropical cyclones] Events and Products – Vanuatu
6.5: Regional initiatives: key implementation challenges and issues and opportunities to enhance collaboration;
WP_6.5.1: PTWC Enhanced Products for the PTWS
WP_6.5.2: WMO Regional Association V (South-West Pacific) Severe Weather Forecast and Disaster Risk Reduction Demonstration Project (SWFDDP)
WP_6.5.3: South-South Cooperation–Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
WP_6.5.3_Att. 1: Final Report - Phase 1
WP_6.5.3_Att. 2: Exploratory Mission with UNDP to the Caribbean Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) in Barbados - Trip Report
WP_6.5.3_Att. 3: Student Reports on Studies at CIMH
WP_6.5.3_Att. 4: Guidance Note: Logical Steps for Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture

WP_ 7: Hydrology
WP_7.0_Att. 1: Strengthening Hydrological and Meteorological Partnerships in Pacific Island Countries

WP_8: Improving Pacific Islands' Participation in IOC-UNESCO
WP_8.1: The role of the Pacific within the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
WP_8.2: The status of the ENSO early warning system TAO-TRITON

WP_9: Education, Training and Research

WP_10: Summary of Progress in Implementing the Pacific Islands Meteorological Strategy (PIMS) 2012-2021
WP_10.0_Att. 1: Summary of progress in implementing the PIMS

WP_11: Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the PIMS 2012-2021
WP_11.0_Att. 1: Implementation and Performance Goals for PIMS M&E 

12. Programmes, Projects and Other Initiatives to Support NMSs Capacity
WP_12.1: The University of the South Pacific (USP) - Capacity Development Relating to Weather, Climate and Water
WP_12.2: The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) - Regional Components of WMO Programmes and Regional Programme for Region V, Including Policies
WP_12.2_Att. 1: Structure of the WMO Strategic Plan 2012–2015
WP_12.2_Att. 2: DRAFT - Capacity Development Strategy Implementation Plan
WP_12.2_Att. 3: Annex 9 to CSDIP Table
WP_12.2_Att. 4: 
WP_12.2_Att. 5: Progress on Deliverables (July – December 2012)
WP_12.2_Att. 6: WMO Activities 2013-2015
WP_12.3: Climate and Oceans Support Programme in the Pacific
WP_12.3_Att. 1: Pacific Key Outcomes (PKO) and Relevant Climate and Oceans Support Program in the Pacific (COSPPac) activities
WP_12.3_Att. 2: FINPAC and Relevant COSPPac activities
WP_12.3_Att. 3: GFCS and Relevant COSPPac activities
WP_12.3_Att. 4: COSPPac Summary Progress Report 1 July 2012 to 22 April 2013
WP_12.4: Pacific-Australia Climate Change Sciences and Adaptation Planning
WP_12.4_Att. 1: Summary of Interim Results from the 2012 PCCSP/PACCSAP Science Program Internal Evaluation
WP_12.4_Att. 2: Contributions by PACCSAP Science Program to implementation of Pacific Key Outcomes/Regional Priority Actions for PIMS 2012-21
WP_12.4_Att. 3: Synthesis of key points raised during NMS Director’s Forum, PACCSAP Climate Science Symposium, Honiara, 13-15 March “13
WP_12.5: Finland-Pacific (FINPAC) Project
WP_12.6: Radio Internet (RANET) Communication
WP_12.7: Pacific Islands Climate Information System (PACIS)

13. Emerging and Ongoing Priorities
WP_13.1: International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)Competency/Standards Including Forecasters and Training Requirements, Deficiencies in the MET Fields, Quality Management System (QMS) and Cost recovery for Aviation Weather Services
WP_13.2: Implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services(GFCS) in the Pacific Islands region
WP_13.2_Att. 1: Draft Terms of Reference for the Pacific Islands Climate Services (PCIS) Panel
WP_13.2_Att. 2: Draft of the Implementation Plan of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS)
WP_13.2_Att. 3: Pacific Islands Climate Services Forum Outcomes and Final Report
WP_13.2_Att. 4: Report of the WMO RA V Working Group on Climate Services
WP_13.3: Implementation of the Regional Plan for the WMO Information System (WIS) and Table Driven Code Format (TDCF) in Region V, especially in each Pacific Island NMS and the region
WP_13.4: Implementation of the Regional Plan of the WMO Integrated Observing System (WIGOS) for Region V, especially in each Pacific Island NMS and the region

WP_14: PMC Resolution ,and Outcomes Presentations at, the Roadmap Meeting
WP_14.0_Att. 1: Agenda - Joint Meeting of the PPDRM & PCCR
WP_14.0_Att. 2: Concept Note - Joint Meeting of the PPDRM & PCCR

WP_15: PMC/PMDP Work Plan and Budget for July 2013-July 2015

WP_16: PMC/Donors Roundtable (5th of July 2013)
WP_16.0_Att. 1: Project Concept Paper
WP_16.0_Att. 2: Agenda of PMC Donor Roundtable

WP_17: Rules of Procedures for Future Meetings of PMC

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